Global Payment Terms and Conditions

Effective Date:These terms and conditions shall be effective from March 15, 2022, and are applicable to all customers using SPEEDPAY cards.

Important Notice:SPEEDPAY cards are issued by Global Payment Technology Limited in accordance with the "Payment Systems and Stored Value Payment Tools Ordinance" based on the following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions"). Before confirming the purchase or use of a SPEEDPAY card, please read these terms and conditions carefully and ensure your full understanding. When you confirm the purchase or use of a SPEEDPAY card, it signifies your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1. Definition

In these "Terms and Conditions," unless otherwise specified, the following terms have the following meanings:

The Company:Refers to SpeedPay Global Financial Technology Limited.

SPEEDPAY Card:Refers to SPEEDPAY prepaid cards, including all types and levels of SPEEDPAY cards.

SPEEDPAY Account:Refers to an individual electronic account within Global Payment, identified by the number on the face of the Global Payment Card.

Cardholder:Refers to individual customers or corporate customers who purchase or use SPEEDPAY cards, or individuals or companies whose names are registered on the Global Payment website.

Expiry Date:Refers to the expiry date printed on the face of the SPEEDPAY card.

Website:Refers to the company's website at

Mobile Application:Refers to the SPEEDPAY mobile application.

Fee Schedule:Refers to the "SPEEDPAY Fee Schedule" published on the website and revised from time to time.

Limitation Schedule:Refers to the "SPEEDPAY Card Limitation Schedule" published on the website and revised from time to time.

Stored Value:Refers to the remaining balance within the SPEEDPAY Account.

Transaction Amount:Refers to the amount of each transaction.

Transaction:Refers to any payment, funds transfer, and cash withdrawal from an ATM made through Global Payment.

Overseas Transaction:Refers to a transaction conducted outside of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong:Refers to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM):Refers to any ATM in the MasterCard or UnionPay network.

Settlement Company:Refers to the Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and its successors and assigns.

Faster Payment System:Refers to the Faster Payment System and its related facilities and services, provided, managed, and operated by the Settlement Company from time to time, for (i) processing direct payments, fund transfers, and other payment transactions; and (ii) Account Binding Service Instructions.

Faster Payment System Service:Refers to any other service or facility provided by the Company to Cardholders from time to time in relation to the Faster Payment System for making payments and fund transfers.

Faster Payment System Identifier:Refers to the unique random number generated by the Faster Payment System and associated with the customer account of the participant.

Participants:Refers to participants in the Faster Payment System, including banks, other financial institutions, retail payment system operators, stored value payment instrument licensees, or any other entities that the Settlement Company may accept as participants in the Faster Payment System from time to time.

Identifier:Refers to the identification information accepted by the Settlement Company as part of the Account Binding Service to identify the destination for a payment or fund transfer instruction, or other communication concerning the Faster Payment System from the customer's account, including the Cardholder's mobile phone number or email address or the Faster Payment System Identifier.

Account Binding Service:Refers to a service provided by the Settlement Company as part of the Faster Payment System to allow a participant's customer to identify the recipient of a payment or fund transfer instruction, or other communication concerning the Faster Payment System from a pre-set identifier (rather than an account number).。

2. SPEEDPAY Card's Basic Features

2.1 SPEEDPAY card is issued by Speedpay Global Fintech Limited in accordance with the "Payment Systems and Stored Value Facilities Ordinance" and is sold and/or serviced by our company.

2.2 The SPEEDPAY card's validity period is as stated on the card and can be extended in accordance with these terms and conditions.

2.3 The stored value on the SPEEDPAY card is stored in a SPEEDPAY account. The stored value in the SPEEDPAY account does not generate any interest or returns, and it is not considered a deposit with our company. Any accumulated interest and other returns (if any) on the stored value (regardless of whether it is generated before, on, or after the effective date) belong to our company.

2.4 The nature of the SPEEDPAY card is similar to cash.

3. The Types and Levels of SPEEDPAY Cards

3.1 Two main types:

a. "Physical SPEEDPAY Card" refers to a physical SPEEDPAY card that can be used for both online and offline transactions, including ATM withdrawals.

b. "Virtual SPEEDPAY Card" refers to a non-physical SPEEDPAY card that can be used for online transactions.

3.2 Levels:

a. "T1" refers to the Simplified Registration Level. Cardholders only need to provide registered names, mobile phone numbers and/or real names, and identification document numbers. T1 has the least usage scope among the three levels offered by SPEEDPAY (please refer to the Limit Table for details). T1 cardholders have not submitted any identity verification documents to the company. The company cannot know and verify the identity of cardholders. Therefore, the company will not handle any matters requiring identity verification of cardholders, including (but not limited to) the loss, theft, reporting of loss, suspension, incorrect password entry, unauthorized use for improper purposes, unauthorized transactions, and/or illegal activities by SPEEDPAY. Cardholders are responsible for related responsibilities and risks. To enable cross-border consumption, you need to recharge or upgrade to T2 level using a recharge channel that can identify the source of funds.

b. "T3" refers to the Real-name Authentication Level. Cardholders must provide all identification documents, information, and supplementary documents required by the company. Cardholders must open an account face-to-face with company personnel or be authenticated through the company's identity verification system. T3 has the highest level of usage among the three levels offered by SPEEDPAY (please refer to the Limit Table for details). After the company verifies the identity of cardholders, follow-up queries are carried out.

3.3 The limits for physical SPEEDPAY cards and virtual SPEEDPAY cards are the same.

3.4 Cardholders can apply to upgrade their level in SPEEDPAY accounts at any time.

3.5 The company reserves the right to review, process, adjust, approve, and reject any application related to SPEEDPAY cards at any time. Cardholders must provide all relevant documents, proof, and information required by the company for verification, processing, and approval. The company has the final decision-making authority. If cardholders fail to provide relevant documents, proof, and information, the company reserves the right to reject related applications, downgrade, suspend, cancel, and close SPEEDPAY.

3.6 The company reserves the right to request cardholders to provide other valid identification documents and personal information for supplementation, records, risk assessment, and approval. All documents and information must be clear, complete, true, and valid.

3.7 For individuals under the age of 18 applying for a Real-name card, both the cardholder and their father, mother, or guardian are required to submit valid identification documents and personal information, including relationship proof, to the company for verification and record purposes.

3.8 The company reserves the right to downgrade SPEEDPAY cards at any time and has the right to suspend and cancel SPEEDPAY at any time without providing any reasons to cardholders.

3.9 Different types and levels of SPEEDPAY cards have different usage scopes and limits (please refer to the Limit Table for details). Cardholders should clearly understand the usage scope, limits, fees, risks, and responsibilities of SPEEDPAY before using it. Cardholders should make choices based on their own needs, risk tolerance, and responsibilities. Cardholders must use SPEEDPAY in accordance with these terms and conditions and bear all related risks and responsibilities.

4、Purchase and Recharge of SPEEDPAY Cards

4.1 SPEEDPAY cards can be purchased through our company's website and mobile application.

4.2 Cardholders can hold a maximum of two named SPEEDPAY prepaid cards at the same time.

4.3 Upon purchasing a SPEEDPAY card or before using it, cardholders need to activate their card, set login and transaction passwords, link their phone number, and complete the initial recharge.

4.4 SPEEDPAY cards can be recharged repeatedly, but the recharge limits vary for different levels of SPEEDPAY cards (please refer to the Limit Table for details). If the recharge amount exceeds the specified limit, our company has the right to either refund the entire recharge amount or stage the deposit into the SPEEDPAY card in a manner that doesn't violate any limits (as deemed most appropriate by our company). The SPEEDPAY may al card so be temporarily suspended until the processing of the entire recharge amount is completed. When a cardholder exceeds the limit more than once or if the recharge amount exceeds the specified limit, our company has the right to terminate and/or cancel the SPEEDPAY card.

4.5 There is a minimum required amount for the initial recharge of SPEEDPAY cards (please refer to the Fee Table for details).

4.6 After each recharge, cardholders should log in to their SPEEDPAY account and verify that the recharge amount and stored value are accurate. If cardholders have any doubts about a recharge, they must notify our customer service department immediately or within 30 days of the recharge. Otherwise, the recharge will be considered valid, and cardholders must bear the associated risks and responsibilities.

5. The Usage of SPEEDPAY Cards

5.1 SPEEDPAY cards can be used at any terminal, website, or ATM worldwide that accepts payment via Mastercard® (for GLOBALPAY Mastercard) or UnionPay (for GLOBALPAY UnionPay). When making overseas or non-local currency transactions with SPEEDPAY cards, overseas signature transaction fees or non-local currency transaction fees are applicable (refer to the fee table for details). The exchange rate for signature transactions is based on the rate provided by Mastercard or UnionPay on the day of the transaction.

5.2 When using a physical SPEEDPAY card for signature transactions, cardholders must present the SPEEDPAY card and sign on the receipt matching the signature on the back of the SPEEDPAY card. If they do not match, cardholders are still responsible for the transaction. Therefore, cardholders should safeguard their SPEEDPAY cards and not allow anyone else to use them.

5.3 When using an ATM for a transaction, cardholders need to enter the pre-set PIN. If the cardholder enters an incorrect PIN at the ATM, the transaction instruction will be rejecte

5.4 When using a SPEEDPAY card for a transaction, cardholders must ensure that there is a sufficient balance on the SPEEDPAY card to cover the transaction amount. If the balance is insufficient to cover the transaction amount, the transaction instruction will be rejected. The company may charge relevant fees for processing abnormal transactions (refer to the fee table for details) and may temporarily suspend the SPEEDPAY account. If merchants charge cardholders any fines or fees due to this, cardholders will bear all related risks and responsibilities.

5.5 The transaction amount will be deducted from the SPEEDPAY account immediately after each transaction is confirmed. Once confirmed, transactions cannot be canceled.

5.6 If the SPEEDPAY account has a negative balance, the cardholder must promptly top up the account. The cardholder will bear all related risks and responsibilities.

5.7 After completing a transaction, the cardholder's registered mobile number will receive an SMS notification of the completed transaction. However, the cardholder must still log into the SPEEDPAY account after each transaction and verify the transaction and account balance for accuracy. If the cardholder has any doubts about a transaction, they must notify the company's customer service department immediately or within 30 days after the transaction is completed. Otherwise, the transaction will be considered valid, and the cardholder will bear related risks and responsibilities.

5.8 Real-name cards can be used for transfers between two cards in the same currency, but only T3 cardholders can use bank transfers.

5.9 When conducting transfer transactions, the cardholder must ensure that the recipient's information is valid and accurate, including the transaction amount and the recipient's SPEEDPAY card account number or bank account number. Otherwise, the transfer may be returned or sent to the wrong SPEEDPAY account or bank account. The cardholder must bear the risks and responsibilities resulting from mistakes.

5.10 When transacting with certain merchants (including but not limited to hotels and restaurants), cardholders should be aware that the transaction amount may include additional charges (including but not limited to tips and gratuities). If there are any questions about such additional charges, the cardholder should communicate directly with the merchant.

5.11 The company does not recommend cardholders to use GLOBALPAY for pre-authorization, such as paying deposits, as merchants may pre-authorize the estimated final bill amount, and this estimated amount may temporarily be unavailable. Although only the actual amount on the final bill will be deducted from the SPEEDPAY card, it may take up to 45 days for the temporarily unavailable amount to be released.

5.12 Cardholders can check transaction records for the last month for free through the website. Real-name cardholders can also request transaction statements for the last three years from the customer service department, subject to related fees (refer to the fee table for details).

5.13 If cardholders have doubts about a transaction and request the company to conduct an investigation, regardless of the investigation's result, the company will charge relevant fees (refer to the fee table for details).

5.14 To prevent cardholders from maliciously using SPEEDPAY cards, the company will charge fees for processing low-consumption transactions (refer to the fee table for details).

5.15 If there are no transactions on a SPEEDPAY card for six months, the company will charge management fees (refer to the fee table for details).

5.16 SPEEDPAY cards cannot be overdrawn.

5.17 Cardholders must abide by Hong Kong laws and ensure compliance with these terms and conditions when using SPEEDPAY cards. Cardholders are fully responsible for the use of SPEEDPAY cards and must not use SPEEDPAY cards for illegal activities, including but not limited to damaging others' reputation, fraud, invasion of privacy and trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, money laundering, raising funds for terrorists, purchasing weapons, drugs, pirated software, or engaging in gambling.

6. Fast Payment System Service

6.1 The company provides Fast Payment System (FPS) services to cardholders for making payments and fund transfers. The FPS is operated by a settlement company and is subject to rules and procedures imposed by the settlement company.

6.2 The company has the right to define or change the scope and terms of FPS services. SPEEDPAY cards can receive funds through FPS, and T3 cardholders can use FPS for outbound transfers (subject to limits).

6.3 FPS services are provided in designated currencies, including Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) and Renminbi (RMB).

6.4 Cardholders can only register their own identification codes. They must be the actual owners of each identification code and linked account.

6.5 Any identification code used for account binding services must comply with the applicable requirements set by the company and the settlement company.

6.6 Cardholders must ensure that all information provided for Fast Payment System (FPS) services is accurate, complete, and up to date. If there are any changes or updates to the information, cardholders must promptly inform the company using the specified method.

6.7 Cardholders are fully responsible for the use of identification codes and related records. Cardholders bear full responsibility for incorrect or outdated identification codes resulting in any incorrect payments or transfers.

6.8 Cardholders must issue instructions and update information to the company in a timely manner to change their identification codes or any electronic direct payment authorizations.

6.9 For any payments or fund transfers, when cardholders issue instructions to the company, those instructions and the transactions conducted based on them are final and irrevocable, binding the cardholders.

6.10 When cardholders issue instructions to the company that are deemed irrevocable, those instructions are binding on the cardholders.

6.11 The company will process and submit cardholders' instructions and requests to the FPS following the applicable rules, guidelines, and procedures imposed by the settlement company. The FPS has the right to process and execute cardholders' instructions and requests in the order or manner it deems appropriate. The company cannot control the operation of the FPS or the timing of the execution of cardholders' instructions or requests.

6.12 To use FPS services, cardholders may need to periodically provide personal information and other details of relevant individuals to the company:

a.Cardholders themselves.

b.Recipients of payments or fund transfers made by cardholders.

6.13 Cardholders consent to the company collecting, using, processing, retaining, or transferring any cardholder information for the purposes of FPS services. These purposes include but are not limited to the following:

a.Providing FPS services to cardholders and maintaining and operating FPS services.

b.Processing and executing cardholders' instructions and requests related to FPS services.

c.Disclosing or transferring cardholder information to settlement companies and other participants for the operation of the FPS.

d.Making disclosures as required to comply with regulatory regulations.

e.Any purposes related to the above.

6.14 Cardholders understand and agree that cardholder information may be disclosed or transferred again to the cardholder and any other third parties using the FPS, by settlement companies, the company, or other participants, for the purpose of providing and operating FPS services and electronic direct payment authorization services.

6.15 Before providing personal information and other details about third parties for the use of FPS, cardholders must obtain the consent of those individuals.

7. SPEEDPAY Card Renewal Application

7.1 SPEEDPAY cards terminate their services on the date of expiration. Real-name cardholders can apply for renewal through the SPEEDPAY website on the date of expiration. They will need to provide identification and relevant supporting documents and enter a verification code to apply for renewal. The renewal application window is open 90 days before the expiration date ("Renewal Application Period"), and each renewal must be for a minimum of 1 year.

7.2 If the renewal is successful, the existing SPEEDPAY card number and stored value will continue to be usable.

7.3 T1 cards do not have a renewal option.

7.4 If a cardholder fails to successfully renew within the Renewal Application Period, SPEEDPAY cards' services will terminate on the expiration date. Cardholders should use the card within its usage scope, such as making purchases, withdrawing funds through ATMs, and/or transferring the remaining stored value in the SPEEDPAY account before the termination date (details can be found in the limits table).

8. Security of SPEEDPAY Card and Passwords

8.1 Physical SPEEDPAY cardholders must sign the back of the card upon receipt. Once signed, the SPEEDPAY card is non-transferable, and the registration details and signature style must match those provided during the application. Failure to comply may result in the company's refusal to accept the card and possible termination or cancellation.

8.2 Cardholders must take all reasonably practicable measures to ensure the security of SPEEDPAY and the confidentiality of SPEEDPAY card passwords and other security information.

8.3 Cardholders must not allow or authorize non-cardholders to use the SPEEDPAY card, password, or other security information.

8.4 Cardholders should not write down or record SPEEDPAY's password or other security information on the SPEEDPAY card and should periodically change login and transaction passwords.

8.5 If, within the same day, cardholders accumulate five incorrect login or transaction password entries, or if they initiate transactions when the stored value is insufficient, the SPEEDPAY card will be temporarily suspended. The suspension caused by incorrect login or transaction password entries will automatically be lifted at 00:00 the following day. Physical cardholders can also contact the company's customer service to request the suspension's removal, subject to identity verification.

8.6 To safeguard the funds in the cardholder's SPEEDPAY account, the company has imposed limitations on transaction amounts and frequencies (see the limits table for details). Cardholders can also adjust the spending limits themselves by logging into their SPEEDPAY account. If there are any questions about these security limitations, please contact the customer service department.

8.7 If cardholders suspect that their SPEEDPAY card has been lost or used for unauthorized purposes, or if they suspect that someone may know their password or other security information, they should immediately lock the card by logging into the SPEEDPAY account and contact the company's customer service department with relevant information. If a lost SPEEDPAY card, password, or other security information is subsequently recovered, the company recommends cardholders to cancel the card to protect their interests.

8.8 Cardholders are responsible for periodically reviewing their SPEEDPAY account transactions and stored value amounts via the company's website. If they discover any unauthorized transactions or illegal activities, they must notify the company's customer service department immediately or within 30 days after the transaction is completed. Otherwise, the transaction is considered valid, and cardholders assume the associated risks and responsibilities. If cardholders apply for a chargeback through the company, the company will charge a chargeback fee (please inquire with the company's customer service department). Cardholders must submit the chargeback fee, along with all related documents and evidence, within 45 days of the transaction's completion, or the chargeback application will not be processed. Once the company receives the chargeback application, it will promptly forward it to the issuing organization, and the chargeback process generally takes 60-120 days.

8.9 If cardholders misuse the SPEEDPAY card and/or fail to fulfill their responsibilities in safeguarding the SPEEDPAY card's security, leading to any fraud, unauthorized transactions, misuse, illegal usage, theft, or similar behavior, the company is not obligated to refund the transaction amounts, and cardholders are fully responsible for any losses or damages arising from such behavior.

8.10 Cardholders must assume full risk and responsibility for cash withdrawals and other transactions resulting from unauthorized use of the SPEEDPAY card or password before they report the loss, theft, disclosure, fraud, theft, or unauthorized use to the company.

8.11 Cardholders are responsible for providing detailed information on the loss, theft, and improper use of the SPEEDPAY card to the company and confirming this information in writing. Cardholders are also obligated to assist the company and relevant law enforcement/administrative authorities in their investigations.

8.12 If the company discovers that transactions were carried out under any of the following conditions (including but not limited to), cardholders must assume all risk and responsibility for these transactions. The company has the right to immediately downgrade, suspend, terminate, or cancel the SPEEDPAY card and is not responsible for the related transactions. The stored value in the SPEEDPAY account will not be refunded:

a.Cardholders are involved in fraud, deception, and/or dishonest behavior.

b.Cardholders do not use the SPEEDPAY card in accordance with these terms and conditions.

c.Cardholders fail to promptly report a lost, stolen, or improperly used SPEEDPAY card to the company.

d.Cardholders fail to take all reasonable measures to ensure the security of the SPEEDPAY card and related information.

e.Cardholders allow or authorize non-cardholders to use the SPEEDPAY card, password, or other security information.

f.Cardholders allow others to use their identity and/or identity documents/information to open a SPEEDPAY card.

9. Reporting Loss of SPEEDPAY Card

9.1 If a cardholder discovers that their SPEEDPAY card is lost or stolen, they must immediately log in to their SPEEDPAY account to lock the card to prevent and reduce potential losses and risks. They also need to report the loss to the company. The company will verify the cardholder's identity and the usage details. After successfully reporting the loss of the SPEEDPAY card, the card will be temporarily suspended. Cardholders can apply for a replacement SPEEDPAY card after reporting the loss. To ensure the security of the cardholder's SPEEDPAY account, the company will authenticate the cardholder's identity. If the cardholder cannot pass the identity verification or fails to provide valid identification documents and transaction evidence, the company reserves the right to refuse to replace the SPEEDPAY card, and the stored value in the SPEEDPAY account will not be refunded.

9.2 Upon successful replacement of a new SPEEDPAY card, the previously reported lost SPEEDPAY card's stored value will be transferred to the new SPEEDPAY account. Reporting the loss and replacing the SPEEDPAY card will incur related fees (see the fee table for details).

9.3 The company will not accept loss reports from T1 cardholders if their identity cannot be verified. T1 cardholders will bear the related risks and responsibilities.

10. Relationship Between Merchants and Cardholders

10.1 Merchants have the right to decide whether to accept SPEEDPAY cards as a payment method, and the company will not assume any responsibility in this regard.

10.2 Cardholders must ensure that their SPEEDPAY card has sufficient stored value. If the stored value is insufficient to cover the transaction amount, the transaction will be declined. Cardholders will bear all risks and responsibilities for any fines or charges imposed by the merchant due to this insufficiency.

10.3 The company will not intervene in disputes between cardholders and merchants under any circumstances. It will not assume any responsibility for the products or services provided by merchants to cardholders, nor will it take on the risks and responsibilities of merchant decisions. Cardholders need to directly communicate with merchants to resolve disputes between both parties. These disputes (or legal actions that cardholders may take against merchants regarding such disputes) do not relieve cardholders of the risks and responsibilities under these terms and conditions.

Disputes between cardholders and merchants include (but are not limited to):

a.Whether any goods and/or services meet specifications or are suitable for any purpose or salability.

b.Any transactions or contracts between cardholders and merchants.

c.Merchant solvency, or whether merchants can or will comply with the commitments, terms, and conditions made to cardholders.

d.Any losses incurred by cardholders when using SPEEDPAY, which the company cannot foresee.

e.Any loss of business, reputation, opportunity, or profit.

10.4 The company will only refund transactions and/or charges related to disputes between cardholders and merchants into the SPEEDPAY account after the following steps have been completed:

a.The company receives any refunds from merchants.

b.Merchants issue the relevant refund documentation in the format accepted by the company.

11. Fees and Other Charges

11.1 Cardholders agree to pay all fees and applicable charges in accordance with these terms and conditions and the fee schedule when using the SPEEDPAY card (refer to the fee schedule for details).

11.2 The fee schedule represents the fees, restrictions, or limits imposed by the company on related items and does not include any additional fees or self-imposed restrictions or limits that may be charged by sales agents, co-branded partners, operators, or merchants.

11.3 If cardholders fail to pay any fees or charges in accordance with these terms and conditions and the fee schedule, the company has the right to deduct the fees from any SPEEDPAY account of the cardholder without prior notice. If cardholders have any objections to the fee arrangement, they may contact the company within 30 days of the fee being charged.

12. Suspension, Termination, Cancellation, and Refund of Stored Value of SPEEDPAY Card

12.1 The company has the right to downgrade, suspend, terminate, and/or cancel the SPEEDPAY card, any service, and/or not approve any intended transaction at any time without notice and without stating reasons. The company will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect losses or damages resulting from the company taking such action. If the company suspends the SPEEDPAY card for any reason (including but not limited to risk assessment and review), the stored value in the SPEEDPAY card will remain frozen until the suspension is lifted.

12.2 Cardholders can apply to the company to cancel the SPEEDPAY card at any time by providing written notice. Even after the SPEEDPAY card is canceled, cardholders must still bear all risks and responsibilities for any transactions made using the SPEEDPAY card (refer to the fee schedule for details).

12.3 Cardholders must cut the physical SPEEDPAY card immediately after the card is terminated or canceled. Even after the SPEEDPAY card is terminated or canceled, cardholders must continue to bear all risks and responsibilities for using the SPEEDPAY card and related fees and charges until the physical SPEEDPAY card is cut (refer to the fee schedule for details).

12.4 Cardholders must use or withdraw all stored value in the SPEEDPAY account in the Global Pay account before canceling the SPEEDPAY card. A fee will be charged for canceling the SPEEDPAY card and refunding the stored value (refer to the fee schedule for details).

12.5 T1 cardholders may apply for a refund of the stored value. They can apply in person at the company's Hong Kong office with valid original identification documents, physical SPEEDPAY card, proof of purchase or initial recharge, and transaction records. T1 cardholders can also upgrade their SPEEDPAY card level in their SPEEDPAY account. After the upgrade, cardholders can use features like transfers to manage the stored value.

12.6 The company will calculate the final stored value within 15 days after the cancellation or refund application. However, the company has the right to deduct any outstanding amounts or fees owed by the cardholder for this SPEEDPAY card or other SPEEDPAY cards under the cardholder's name from the stored value. The company will issue a Hong Kong dollar check or refund the stored value in any appropriate method deemed by the company.

12.7 The company will only refund the stored value to the cardholder. If the cardholder fails to provide their own bank account or show valid identification documents as required by the company, the company reserves the right to reject the refund application.

13. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

13.1 The company is bound by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong (Cap. 486) and relevant guidelines and codes of practice issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong, as well as the company's policies on safeguarding personal data (referred to collectively as the Privacy Ordinance and Policy).

13.2 The company will collect, use, process, and retain the cardholder's personal data, and the company authorizes sales agents or co-branded partners to collect and submit the cardholder's personal data to the company. The company and its authorized sales agents or co-branded partners will keep the cardholder's personal data confidential in accordance with the Privacy Ordinance and Policy.

13.3 The company will contact the cardholder through the phone number, address, email, or other means provided by the cardholder. If the cardholder changes any information, they must immediately notify the company.

13.4 By purchasing or using the SPEEDPAY card, the cardholder agrees to allow the company and third parties to collect and use their personal data in accordance with these terms and conditions. The cardholder also authorizes the company, directly or through third parties, to make any necessary inquiries to verify and authenticate the cardholder's identity and information, including but not limited to (i) requesting the cardholder's identity documents, personal/corporate information, and other relevant documents and/or files, (ii) verifying the accuracy of the cardholder's email address, phone number, and bank account ownership, and (iii) obtaining and verifying the cardholder's identity and information from third-party databases or other data sources.

13.5 When the cardholder confirms the purchase or use of the SPEEDPAY card, they are agreeing to allow the company to transfer their personal data to regulatory authorities in Hong Kong and/or overseas, and the cardholder's personal data may be used by these regulatory authorities.

13.6 Unless prohibited by law, the cardholder agrees that the company may transfer, disclose, process, and store their personal data to its holding companies, subsidiaries, representative offices, agents, and other third parties designated by the company. These recipients may be located outside the point of purchase, including in Hong Kong and/or overseas. The cardholder's personal data will be used in accordance with the Privacy Ordinance and Policy. Except as provided in Section 13.7, the recipients will only use the cardholder's personal data for internal purposes, such as data processing, statistics, credit and risk analysis. The company will enter into contracts with the recipients requiring them to keep the cardholder's personal data confidential and comply with the laws and privacy regulations of their location.

13.7 The company and any recipients may disclose the cardholder's personal data to third parties for the following reasons:

a.Providing services, products, or conducting product promotion and marketing to the cardholder.

b.Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing.

c.Criminal investigation and fraud prevention.

d.As required by any law, court, regulatory authority, law enforcement agency, or legal process in Hong Kong or any other overseas jurisdiction.

13.8 The cardholder agrees that the company and other related parties may contact the cardholder for information related to providing relevant products and services. If the cardholder does not wish to receive promotional information about SPEEDPAY, they can contact the company.

13.9 The cardholder has the right to request access to their personal data held by the company, and this request should be made in writing and sent to the Data Protection Officer at Unit D6B, 11th Floor, TML Plaza, 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong. The company may charge a reasonable fee for handling any such request.

14. Amendment and Notification

14.1 The company may modify these terms and conditions from time to time. Any amendments that affect the cardholder's fees or charges will be effective 30 days after the amendments are posted on the SPEEDPAY website or communicated by the company in the manner determined by the company (excluding amendments required by law, regulatory guidance, or for the security of the SPEEDPAY system).

14.2 It is the responsibility of the cardholder to periodically review the SPEEDPAY website to ensure they receive timely notifications. The cardholder may express their objection to the company in writing within 14 days after the date of publication on the website; otherwise, they will be deemed to have accepted the changes. After these terms and conditions or any notifications become effective, continuing to use the SPEEDPAY card or remaining in possession of the SPEEDPAY card constitutes acceptance of the amendments. If the cardholder does not accept the company's modifications, they can request to cancel the SPEEDPAY card.

14.3 The company periodically posts the latest news about all SPEEDPAY cards on the SPEEDPAY website.

15. Liability Clause

15.1 Unless otherwise required by law or these terms and conditions, the company will not be responsible for any losses or damages to cardholders or third parties regarding the SPEEDPAY card.

15.2 The company is not the owner or operator of automated teller machines (ATMs) or point-of-sale terminals, and therefore, the company is not responsible for ensuring that ATMs and point-of-sale terminals accept the SPEEDPAY card. Cardholders should directly contact and deal with their service providers regarding the use of ATMs and point-of-sale terminals, any losses incurred, or any fees charged. The company will not interfere in such disputes.

16. Applicable Law and Language

16.1 These terms and conditions are governed by Hong Kong law and shall be interpreted according to Hong Kong law. Cardholders are irrevocably subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts, and these terms and conditions may be enforced in any court with jurisdiction.

16.2 The company reserves the right to refuse to process, execute, or comply with any instructions if it believes or suspects that any transaction involving the SPEEDPAY card, directly or indirectly, relates to gambling or illegal activities.

16.3 The term "use" includes presenting the SPEEDPAY card to obtain products, services, withdrawals, and/or benefits.

17. Miscellaneous

17.1 If any term or condition of these terms and conditions becomes illegal, invalid, or unenforceable at any time, it shall not affect the remaining terms and conditions.

17.2 Cardholders may not transfer the cardholder's rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions to any third party. The company may transfer any of its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to any third party.

18. Contact Us

18.1 If cardholders have any further questions or feedback about the company or the SPEEDPAY card, they are welcome to contact the company's customer service department:

18.2 The company's customer service department, upon receiving inquiries from cardholders, will first verify the cardholder's identity and understand the situation and requests before conducting an investigation. If the matter involves a dispute, the company will fairly and justly handle the issue and respond to the cardholder within 30 days. However, if the dispute concerns matters like unauthorized transactions, transaction cancellations, or chargebacks, the processing time may be longer, and the company will respond to the cardholder within 120 days. To avoid doubt, during the process, the cardholder may be required to participate in interviews and/or provide additional information. If the cardholder disagrees with the response, they may request a review, and the company will provide the review results to the cardholder within a reasonable time, with the review results being final.