General Questions
What is SpeedPay Asset Link credit card (Platinum Card)?
How many currencies can be selected for the Platinum Card?
How many SpeedPay Asset Link credit cards can I apply ?
How can I enjoy asset liquidity with SpeedPay Asset Link credit cards?
How to use the card-to-card transfer function?
About login password and payment password (card password)
How to do when you want to change or forgot the login password and payment password?
How are payments or other assets handled?
How many SpeedPay Asset Link credit card (Platinum Card) can I apply in the same time?
How to understand the card limit standard?
Why can't I use contactless payment for my first transaction?
Where can I access to the transaction records?
What information do I need to provide when paying online?
What could be the reasons of payment failure?
After an order is cancelled, when will the money be credited back to my account?
What should I do if I lost my card?
What should I do when I want to cancel my SpeedPay Asset Link credit cards?
How to renew the card ?
What should I do if I suspect that my card has been stolen?
How and when should I request the declining payments?
What documents are required to apply for the declining payments?
How long does it take to complete the declining payments process?
What is the fee for the declining payments?
What role does Speedpay play in the declining payments?
How to use SpeedPay Asset Link credit cards in China?
What should I do if Alipay and WeChat cannot be bound or cannot be consumed after binding?